🐧Deploy to Linux

Recommend: We request that you fork Crowgram's GitHub repository so your deployed version will be protected.


To deploy Crowgram, it is necessary to know about the variables mentioned below. Detailed information about these variables is available in the variables section.


Automatic Process

The easiest and our recommended process to install Crowgram is to run the following command in your Linux terminal in your desired directory.

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iniridwanul/Crowgram/master/crowgram.sh > install.sh && bash install.sh && rm install.sh

It'll automatically clone the git repository, and will ask you for your variables and do the rest. Here the only dependences for running this command are wget, git and your Linux shell itself!

For again running the Crowgram, simply run the crowgram.sh script inside the git repository.

bash crowgram.sh

Manual Process

Follow these steps to manually deploy Crowgram.

Clone the Crowgram Repository

Open your terminal and run the following command to clone the Crowgram repository:

git clone https://github.com/your_username/Crowgram.git

In your_username, you have to give your GitHub username.

Change your current directory to the Crowgram folder:

cd Crowgram

Set Environment Variables

Export the environment variables using the values you gathered in the prerequisites step. You can set them in the .env file provided with the repository:

echo "api_id=YOUR_API_ID" >> .env
echo "api_hash=YOUR_API_HASH" >> .env
echo "string=YOUR_SESSION_STRING" >> .env
echo "bot_token=YOUR_BOT_TOKEN" >> .env
echo "assistant_bot=YOUR_ASSISTANT_BOT" >> .env
echo "assistant_api_id=ASSISTANT_API_ID" >> .env
echo "assistant_api_hash=ASSISTANT_API_HASH" >> .env
echo "assistant_string=ASSISTANT_SESSION_STRING" >> .env
echo "owner=YOUR_TELEGRAM_USER_ID" >> .env
echo "log_group=YOUR_LOG_GROUP_ID" >> .env
echo "pm_log_location=YOUR_PM_LOG_LOCATION" >> .env
echo "mention_log_location=YOUR_MENTION_LOG_LOCATION" >> .env

Replace YOUR_XXX with the respective values.

Install Dependencies and start Crowgram

Run the following command to install the required dependencies and start your own Crowgram:

bash crowgram.sh

Crowgram will initialize and connect to Telegram.

After deploying Crowgram, the >sethelper command must be given in any chat, or the Help Menu will not work.


You have successfully installed Crowgram on your Linux machine. Enjoy the enhanced Telegram experience provided by this userbot. If you encounter any issues or have questions, please refer to the Crowgram GitHub repository or reach out to the developer community for assistance.

Last updated